Online Mindfulness Articles
1.Nine Essential Qualities of Mindfulness: Psychology Today 2012.
2. Love and Liberation: Shambhala Sun 2010.
3. Using Mindfulness to Re-wire the Brain: Mindfulness Bell 2012.
4. A Week of Silence: Psychotherapy Networker 2006.
5. A Classroom in the Now: Harvard Magazine 2013.
6. Mindful Eating as Food For Thought: NY Times Article 2012.
7. What is Mindfulness?: Insight Journal Article 2004
8. The Higher Life: New Yorker Magazine Article 2015
Brach, Tara
- Radical Acceptance, Bantam 2003
- True Refuge, Bantam 2012
Brown, Brene
- The Gifts of Imperfection, Penguin Group 2010
- Daring Greatly, Penguin Group 2012
Chodron, Pema
- The Wisdom of No Escape – The Path of Loving Kindness, Shambhala 1991
- Start Where You Are – A Guide To Compassionate Living, Shambhala 1994
- Awakening Loving Kindness, Shambhala, 1996
- When Things Fall Apart- Heart Advice For Difficult Times, Shambhala 1997
- The Places That Scare You – A Guide To Fearlessness in Difficult Times, Shambhala, 2005
- Don’t Bite The Hook – Finding Freedom From Anger, Resentment and Destructive Emotions, Shambhala 2007
- Taking The Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears, Shambhala 2010
- Living Beautifully: With Uncertainly and Change, Shambhala 2012
Chozen Bays, Jan
- Mindful Eating, Shambhala 2009
Dalai Lama and Chan, Victor
- The Wisdom of Forgiveness, Riverhead 2004
Forsyth, J and Eifert, G.
- The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety, New Harbinger Press 2007
Germer, C. K.
- The Mindful Path of Self Compassion, Guilford Press 2009
Goldstein, Joseph
- Seeking The Heart of Wisdom, Shambhala 1987
Gunaratana, Bhante
- Mindfulness in Plain English, Wisdom Pub. 2011
- The Four Foundations of Mindfulness, Wisdom Pub. 2012
Hahn, Thich Nhat
- The Miracle of Mindfulness: A Manual for Meditation, Bantam 1999
- Anger, Riverhead 2001
- Peace In Every Step, Bantam 1991
Hanson, Rick
- Buddha’s Brain (Neuroscience), New Harbinger 2009
Harris, Russ
- The Happiness Trap, Trumpeter, 2008
- The Confidence Gap, Trumpeter, 2011
- The Reality Slap, New Harbinger, 2012
Hayes, Steven
- Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), New Harbinger 2005
Kabat-Zinn, Jon
- Full Catastrophe Living – Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain and Illness, Dell 1990
- Wherever You Go There You Are – Mindfulness in Everyday Life, Hyperion 1994
- The Mindful Way Through Depression (With Williams, Teasdale and Segal), Guilford Press 2007
- Everyday Blessings – The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting, Hyperion 1997
Keating, T.
- Open Mind, Open Heart: The Contemplative Dimension of the Gospel, Continuum International Group, 2006
Kornfield, Jack
- A Path With Heart, Bantam 1993
- The Wise Heart, Bantam Dell 2008
- Bringing Home The Dharma, Shambhala 2011
Lew, A.
- Be Still and Get Going: A Jewish Meditation Practice For Real Life, Little Brown 1982
Orsillo, Susan and Roemer, Lizabeth
- A Mindful Way Through Anxiety:Break Free From Chronic Worry and Reclaim Your Life, Guilford Press 2011
Pennington, M.B.
- Centering Prayer: Renewing an Ancient Christian Prayer Form, Image Books 1982
Salzberg, Sharon
- Loving Kindness, Shambhala 1995
Santorelli, Saki
- A Mindfulness Stress Reduction Workbook (with Stahl, Goldstein and Kabat-Zinn), New Harbinger 2010
Schwartz, Jeffrey and Begley, Sharon
- Mind and Brain, Neuroplasticity and The Power of Mental Force, Regan 2003
Siegel, Ron
- The Mindfulness Solution, Guilford Press 2010
Sofer, Oren Jay
- Say What You Mean, Penguin Random House 2018
Williams, Mark
- Mindfulness- An 8 Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World (with Penman and Kabat-Zinn) Rodale Books 2011
- The Mindfulness Workbook- An 8 Week Program to Free Yourself from depression and Emotional Distress (with Teasdale, Segal and Kabat-Zinn) Guilford Press 2014
Wilson, K.G. and Dufrene T .
- Things May Go Terribly, Horribly Wrong (Anxiety), New Harbinger 2010