I took the Art of Living Mindfully course and at the end of the course I explained how the anxiety I experienced had been reduced markedly.
I wanted you to know that 1 1/2 years later it has not increased back to the previous levels. It is now a 3 out of 10, whereas before the course it was an 8 almost daily!!.
I credit BCALM with supporting me in making this change.
Thank you for offering this course to me and so many others.

I am feeling very fortunate these days....I was able to begin an 8 week mindfulness course that is run through BCALM..... a while before I started the course, I began to recognize how much anxiety was gripping me so often in my life. Little things would start to bother me, I was short of breath, agitated and had a very short fuse.....There were many factors that contributed to my anxiety and sometimes they made sense to certain degree and sometimes they did not. Now that I have completed the course I have begun to understand what it is all about......I am able to go within myself, acknowledge my emotions and accept them and can completely shut my anxiety down.... I come out feeling completely at peace and comfortable that whatever was going to happen would be and I would be okay with it...It is such a liberating feeling and thinking about it now brings me to tears.... my newly acquired tool chest has the keys that have begun to change my life...the benefits are truly incredible.

I am so pleased with the skills taught me by BCALM. My panic disorder issues only arose after a series of difficult surgeries. I had another one this last Friday and started to see the anxiety build a few minutes before heading in to the operating room... I was at the point where tears were forming. I closed my eyes, focused on my breaths and about 5 minutes later I emerged calm and composed right up to the point the drugs kicked in. I am so grateful for all of you at BCALM!. Please pass along my heart felt gratitude.

I have been so impressed with the Mindfulness class I was fortunate enough to take a few month's ago through BCALM. I would like to thank the facilitator for making it a wonderful learning experience. Their kind way of speaking to us and sense of humour made it a pleasure to be in the great group we had. I have never attended a group like this before and felt anxious at the beginning but I soon felt very comfortable and looked forward to going. It was really nice how we all felt so comfortable sharing our situations, discovering we had so much in common, and learning so much in the process. I have been using the CD as my morning meditation and any time if I feel stress or anxiety and it has been a godsend to spend as little as 15 minutes to change that anxiety to a gentle calmness. That something so natural like this could take the place of any drugs is so WONDERFUL!

I have just completed my course and I am very grateful.
When the facilitator said they meditated because "it is a game-changer", I couldn’t imagine how. All I can say is that I felt their sincerity & kindness. I won’t go into all the ways my own "game" has changed because of this practice and support. In general, I feel a little kinder, gentler and more patient with myself which translates into every area of my life. This much personal "movement" in 8 weeks is a huge growth spurt and I’m excited to see where this will lead.
I want to acknowledge the good work you are all doing, one person, one group at a time. Your contributions are making such a difference

I want to take a moment to acknowledge your work and dedication to this program, your genuine kindness and empathy towards each participant.
This program has helped me tremendously and I wish to say thank you for all that you fine folks do.
Please accept my gratitude of appreciation to have had the opportunity to meet you and benefit from such healing individuals. I strive to practice compassion and forgiveness towards myself and others, I will "meditate anyway" regardless of my daily routine as I've gained valuable insight into the practice. I used to think I was too busy and did not have time to meditate, now I consider it vitally important to my emotional well being. I think its like putting gas in my car, without taking the time to do so I'm hooped and not moving forward at all. A big shout out to the course participants who have showed up with vulnerability and courage each week, may the light shine strong for you my new found friends.